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  • 22:30, 7 January 2025Jenkins (hist | edit) ‎[1,093 bytes]Flurry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''Not to be confused with [,_Minnesota Jenkins, Minnesota].'' The Hell Labs Jenkins Cluster is intended to provide a number of systems for building and testing software managed by Hell Labs and friends. To request an account, please contact snow with the email address and username you would like to use. == Worker Agents == The following is a list of all persistent agents connected to the Jenkins controller. If you'd like to restri...")
  • 19:25, 13 July 2023Steam Music Database (hist | edit) ‎[2,444 bytes]Flurry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP|Literally any information other than the SQL schema}} Found in <code>$STEAM_HOME/music/_database/musicdatabase_XXXX.db</code>. Not sure what determines the <code>XXXX</code> yet, but mine is <code>0016</code>. <syntaxhighlight lang="sql"> CREATE TABLE localartist ( artistid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, artistname TEXT, artistsortname TEXT, artistinsertname TEXT ); CREATE INDEX artistid_index ON localartist ( artistid ); CREATE INDEX artistname_index ON lo...")
  • 12:06, 11 July 2023Valve Data Format (hist | edit) ‎[1,925 bytes]Flurry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Valve Data Format (VDF)''' files are key-value stores used by Source games and Steam. == Text VDF == Most VDF files you'll see are text-based. The spec is pretty well-defined on the [ Valve Developer Community wiki]. <syntaxhighlight lang="c"> "ParentElem" { "Key1" "1.25" "Key2" "String of text" "ChildElem" { "Key3" "15" // and so on } } </syntaxhighlight> == Compiled VDF == In...")
  • 00:13, 6 July 2023Upgrading Windows 7 (hist | edit) ‎[3,882 bytes]Flurry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Windows 7 is the most advanced and stable Windows NT 6.1-based operating system. However, updating the system from a vanilla RTM or SP1 install can be a bit of a nightmare. People have made custom ISOs with tons of updates and drivers slipstreamed in, but I don't trust those. Thankfully, installing updates manually is super easy with the Convenience Rollup! == Pre-Requisites == As far as I'm aware, Windows only shipped as either RTM or with Service Pack 1. This makes i...")
  • 22:10, 16 April 2023Make Anything Into an App on macOS (hist | edit) ‎[3,124 bytes]Flurry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "If you've used macOS/MacOSX and never poked around the structure of an App, I have some mind-blowing information for you: it's just a folder. A folder with more folders, in fact! == How macOS Apps Work == The basic structure of a macOS app is a-like so: <syntaxhighlight lang="text"> - + Contents/ + Info.plist + MacOS/ + CoolApp + Resources/ + AppIcon.icns + SomeOtherJunk.txt </syntaxhighlight> This isn't just specific to a...")